Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Writing Folders

Writing folders...hmm.

Every year I change the way I do writing. Last year I used writing journals (spirals), and it worked pretty well. However, I realized that students were having a hard time finding their stories in their journal, and understanding which step in the writing process they were in. I found this writing folder idea, that I will be implementing this year.

You will need three 2-pocket folders, stapled together, to create a 6 pocket writing folder.

The first two pockets will be for blank writing paper. Probably primary handwriting paper in one pocket and lined paper in the other.

The next two pockets start the writing process. The first pocket is for prewrite. Students will brainstorm their ideas for their writing and keep it in this pocket. After brainstorming, students will work on their rough drafts and leave it in this pocket.

When students move to the revising phase of writing, they move their paper to the revising pocket. Lastly, students work on the final draft and keep their work here.

I am excited to try it this year. Who knows maybe it will stick.

Let's keep it up for the little hands, and continue working on our lesson plans.
- Amber

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